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Hello, Kris. How are you doing today?

Very good. Well, no, actually, not good at all. The rain prevented me to get my fix of coffee today.



No, not Starbucks—are we allowed to mention brands here? Anyway it’s my favorite coffee shop near my apartment block. 


So, are you caffeine-deprived right now?

Not anymore. My assistant managed to get me some instant coffee, which doesn’t taste the same but, you know.


Where in the world are you right now?

Seoul, South Korea.


Is that home these days, or are you still very much a Guangzhou boy?

Guangzhou, of course. I love Seoul, but Guangzhou will always be home.


Are you in Seoul only for the filming of the series?

No, I’ve been staying here since two years ago for my first Korean movie.


How do you feel playing a gay character?

I have no problem with it. I have played a homosexual man back when I was in China, and honestly I appreciate both genders.


Did it feel awkward acting with Suho?

This is the tricky question, isn’t it? (Kris laughs) Not at all, Junmyeon (Suho’s real name, -red) is a professional actor and everything went smooth. He is very nice to me and showed me part of Korea I didn’t know.


A lot of fans notice the chemistry between you two during the filming. What do you think?

Junmyeon is someone who is easy to talk to. We went to grab coffee together a few times after shooting and I feel comfortable talking with him.


Is that a date?

That is something for you to interpret yourself, I’m not giving away anything (Kris laughs)


What’s next for you?

I am preparing for a new Korean movie, which is going to start to film next month. It’s going to be great, please look forward to it.



Hello, Suho. Are you based in Seoul now?

I am. I was born and raised in Gangnam, and I don’t think I’ll move out anytime soon.


Is it true that you hold an acting degree?

Yes, I took acting as my major for college. I graduated two years ago, and I got a lot of opportunities from my mentor and colleagues.


We heard that you like to sing during free times.

I like singing. On good days I record myself and upload it to internet.


Do you think people like your singing?

There are good and bad feedbacks, so I guess it’s not that bad (Suho laughs). 


Have you ever thought of being a singer?

I would like to have it as a side-job. My dream is to sing for my own movie’s soundtrack.


We certainly hope that would come true. How do you feel after filming your first TV series?

It’s a lot of firsts to me, so I have mixed feelings. Excited, mostly, but also nervous. I love this kind of story so i don’t want to ruin it.


The story doesn’t really follow a theme.

One thing that stays is the relationship between the main characters, so even when the background changes, they are the key to the whole series. I think it’s interesting.


Your co-star is a Chinese actor. Did you have any difficulty during filming?

No, Kris’s Korean is good enough for us to communicate with each other. He’s also the more experienced one so it’s me learning a lot from him.


The fans seem to like the chemistry between you two. Have you thought about dating for real?

Honestly I have never dated men before, but I wouldn’t mind if it’s Kris (Suho laughs)


We will make sure to let Kris know about this. You guys look cute together.

Thank you. Kris is a very nice man and everything wasn’t awkward at all.


What’s your favorite movie?

Star Wars! And Christopher Nolan movies. I love Interstellar.


Lastly, any words to your fans?

Thank you so much for supporting me. I hope to always bring the best for you. Please anticipate my next work!

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